展覽延期至7月!V. M. 薇薇安・邁爾攝影展 Vivian Maier, Street Photographer

  • 2020/07/04(Sat) 11:00(+0800) ~ 2020/09/06(Sun) 19:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 松山文創園區1號倉庫 Warehouse No. 1, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park / 台北市信義區光復南路133號 No.133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 11072, Taiwan
  • 異角藝術 Contact Organizer

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📷松山文創園區 1號倉庫










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Vivian Maier, Street Photographer


# A mysterious Nanny Photographer

# One of the Best in the era of Film Photography

# Obvious life experience but the incomprehensible passion in photography

# Multi-life scene on the street of America from the 50s to 70s

# Premiere of a hundred classic within more than 100,000 negatives in Taiwan


What she only left for the world is more than 100,000 negatives.

In 2009, a series of photos on the Internet brought everyone back to the 50s and 60s New York and Chicago. At the same time, people found her, Vivian Maier, a photographer who served as a nanny while she was alive. Born in New York, with a French accent and several anonyms, Maier wore a loose coat or shirt to hide her body. She always freely walked through the streets with a camera around her neck.

People are questioning and curious about Vivian Maier. Who is she? What supported her to constantly shoot? With what motivation? No one can answer these questions, but everything will be revealed in the images. We can not only view urban life in the past of America but also the eyes behind the lens.

In the life which everyone is accustomed to, Vivian Maier recorded the miserable, delighted, and warm moments of humankind from her unique perspective.

There will be 100 works of her shown in the exhibition “Vivian Maier, Street Photographer”. The audience can appreciate her most familiar works including the half-length portraits from waist position, the human appearance in the busy city, and the abstract geometry between the crossing point of light and shadow. Also, the most mysterious and fascinating works of her: self-portraits will be displayed.


Exhibiting Series “Street Photographer”

Vivian Maier was able to observe the bizarre and irregular points in life and unflattering aspects of people. Meanwhile, her works show the moment which is delightful and warm in life. The well-known street photographer Joel Meyerowitz believes that she has a true vision to realize thoroughly the nature of human, photography, and street. Also, some people regard her style is just like Robert Frank, but in square format, which illustrates the various appearances of New York and Chicago.

The street photos in America from the 50s to 70s are not only the epitome of life but also a movement of constant questioning. At the same time, Vivian Maier put herself into the street of hustle and bustle. Self-portraits are the unique self-confessions, which shows how people recognize the identity of themselves and the universe around them. From observing the self-portraits of Vivian Maier, she always looked at the camera or somewhere in the image, as if looking for or confirming something. She specializes in creating the misplaced joy with the reflections in mirrors or windows. Just like the inconsistent impressions among many friends, she has many identities in the photos, making it impossible to recognize which is the real Vivian Maier.


*“Vivian Maier, Street Photographer” is authorized by diChroma photography;

*Images are provided by Courtesy of Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY.


Duration: 2020.07.04-2020.09.06

Venue: Warehouse No. 1, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Opening times: 

From Mon. to Thurs.: 11:00-18:00 (Last Admission @17:30)

From Fri. to Sun.: 11:00-19:00 (Last Admission @18:30)


Tickets Information

Online Platform

Early Bird for Single: NT$ 220, available from 2020.03.01-07.03

Early Bird for Double: NT$ 400, available from 2020.03.01-07.03

Regular Price: NT$ 280, available from 2020.07.04-09.06


Tickets on-site

Regular: NT$ 280, for the general public


Concessions: NT$ 250

For those who are from 3 years old (born before 2017) to the ongoing undergraduate students. Proof of status is required. Each proof is restricted to purchase one ticket ONLY.


Seniors & Accompanying Person of the Disabled: NT$ 150

1. For those who are over-aged 65 (aged 65 included). Proof of status is required. Each proof is restricted to purchase one ticket ONLY.

2. For those who accompany with disabled. Proof of status of the disabled is required. Each proof is restricted to purchase one ticket ONLY.)


Free Entry

1. For those who are under 3 years old (born after June 2017). Proof of status is required.

2. Disabled people


Advised by Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government

Authorized by diChroma photography

Presented/organized by Art Angle Corporation

Co-organized by Taipei Culture Foundation, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park



V. M. 薇薇安・邁爾攝影展 Vivian Maier, Street Photographer



2009年,網路上的一組照片將眾人帶回了五六〇年代的紐約、芝加哥街頭,同時,找到了Vivian Maier,以褓姆一職維生的攝影師。紐約出生,操著一口法語腔調,擁有幾個化名,她總是穿著寬鬆的大衣或襯衫遮掩身形,脖子上掛著一台相機,踏著大幅的步伐走在街道上。

人們對Vivian Maier充滿了好奇:她是誰,是什麼動機支持她不斷地攝影?沒有人能真正地回答這些問題,但所有的一切終將在影像中顯露出來,我們不只能看見過去的美國都會生活,也會看見鏡頭後的那雙眼睛。

在眾人習以為常的生活中,Vivian Maier以她獨有的視角記錄了人類的悲劇和愉悅溫暖的時刻。「V.M. 薇薇安・邁爾攝影展」將展出100件作品,你可以看到她最得心應手,從腰部角度取景的半身肖像、繁忙都會中的人生面貌、光影交錯間的抽象幾何以及最為神秘,令人著迷的自拍肖像。


*本展覽由diChroma photography授權;作品由Courtesy of Maloof Collection and Howard Greenberg Gallery, NY提供。





-授權單位|diChroma photography



松山文創園區1號倉庫 Warehouse No. 1, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park / 台北市信義區光復南路133號 No.133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 11072, Taiwan

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
早鳥單人票 Early Bird Ticket for Single

2020/03/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2020/07/03 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$220
早鳥雙人套票 Early Bird Ticket for Double

2020/03/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2020/07/03 23:59(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$400
一般票 Regular Ticket

2020/07/04 00:00(+0800) ~ 2020/09/06 18:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$280
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